There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
We Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. We believe Jesus died and rose again for our sins.
Water baptism by immersion soon after accepting Christ as personal Savior, is a testimony of death to sin and resurrection to a new life. The Lord’s Supper is a memorial service for Christ.
Get Involved
Welcome Board
Welcome Febuary !
There will be corporate prayer 6am at New Church Of Faith . Location: 5000 silver star road Every 1st-7th of the month.
Baptisms signups are here! The last day to signup for baptisms are 4/11/25 and baptisms will be held 4/20/25! If you woukd like to signup please email, or sign up at the get connected table hosted at 10am Sunday service.
Every Wednesday morning at 5:30 am prayer call is live via zoom, link .located in constant contact.
Sunday Service is at 10am live and in person.
Febuary 2nd: Leadership meeting
February 9th : Super Bowl party at new church of faith at 6pm.
February 19th:Power Wednesday.
Big Give
On March 20th, 2022 New Day launched its first Big Give Sunday. Big Give Sunday is an opportunity to stand in agreement with New Day becoming owners church building. God has shared the vision with Pastor Von Robinson, Sr. and Pastor Donna Robinson for a new location and growth in ministry.
To support the expansion of the church or people of Christ, the leaders of New Day is working to assure the space is availalbe. You are invited to join the wonderful expansion that God is doing. You can help by making a donation towards the building fund.
Our March 2022 goal was $21,000!
Give at
Our latest goal is coming soon.
Thank you for your donation and/or services.
Kids Rock
....that I attended where the Presence of God wasn't there. You will always be empowered by the Word of God n always feel the love from the New Day family
~ Iris Scotte - New Day Christian Center
Thank you for signing up our newsletter. We look forward to connecting with you.